The school of D.R.E.A.M.
Dream – D.R.E.A.M. is our journey, the goal that we wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to promote and embody in every aspect. Korea Global School believes that the core values of D.R.E.A.M. – Diversity, Respect, Excellence, Adaptability, and Mindfulness – are not just principles but also the spirit and foundation of every educational activity at our school.
These values are not just words, they are the guiding principles embedded in every facet of our school’s culture, shaping students to become compassionate, responsible, and globally aware citizens.
Find out more in this Prospectus
Global Issues Research Contest
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition
2023-12-25. -
KGS Sports DAY - 11/10-Testtttttttttt
2023-12-25. -
Korean Math Olympiad...
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition
Global Issues Research Contest
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition 2
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition 2
2023-12-25. -
Global Issues Research Contest
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition
Global Issues Research Contest
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition
2023-12-25. -
Global Issues Research Contest
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition
KGS Photography Competition 2
2023-12-25. -
KGS Sports DAY - 11/10
2023-12-25. -
Global Issues Research Contest
2023-12-25. -
KGS Photography Competition
Why choose Korea Global School?
At KGS, students benefit from a trilingual learning environment that integrates British, Korean, and Vietnamese education. Our curriculum combines the globally renowned Cambridge program with the Korean educational curriculum, providing a comprehensive pathway for students. They acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to become global citizens. Additionally, students are nurtured in creativity, critical thinking, and collaborative skills within a multicultural setting. Notably, 100% of KGS graduates gain admission to prestigious universities in Korea and worldwide.

Teaching languages
Students graduated from Top universities in Korea and world wide
Nationalities of teachers and students

What students like the most at Korea Global School
In every student, KGS is like a second home, with friendly teachers and lovable friends, nurturing countless special memories of school years.
At KGS, students benefit from the essence of British, Korean, and Vietnamese education in a trilingual learning environment of English, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Curiosity at Our Heart: Igniting a Lifelong Love for Learning
At Korea Global School (KGS), the fundamental belief is that an enduring passion for learning is the most valuable gift an education can provide. Established as a pioneering international school in South Korea, KGS has placed the cultivation of intellectual curiosity at the very core of its educational philosophy.
The Power of Kindness – Transforming Education at KGS
At our Grand Opening, parents and guests were treated to a vibrant physical theatre performance by our Year 9 Drama pupils. Bending...ưegwefwefwefwefwefwefwefwef
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) for 21st-century citizens
Children encounter more and more challenges in our fast-paced and ever-evolving world, which can affect their emotional well-being...Children encounter more and more challenges in our fast-paced and ever-evolving world, which can affect their emotional well-being...
University offers
With connections to numerous universities worldwide, KGS graduates are warmly received by top universities in Korea and other developed countries. These institutions offer favorable policies and scholarships to KGS alumni
Accrediation & Association
We are proud to have created a high-quality learning environment that enables current and future students to
flourish and make a difference in the world. Our broad range of programmes is designed to respond to the rapidly
evolving education and employment landscape.
The IB continuum of international education for 3-19 year olds is unique because of its academic and personal rigour. IB challenge students to excel in their studies and in their personal growth. IB aim to inspire a quest for learning throughout life that is marked by enthusiasm and empathy. The IB aspires to help schools develop wellrounded students with character: students who can respond to challenges with optimism and an open-mind; students confident in their own identities; students who make ethical decisions; students who join with others in celebrating our common humanity; students who are prepared to apply what they learn in real world, complex and unpredictable situations
View detail >>CIS International Accreditation is a rigorous school-wide evaluative process that measures alignment with internationally benchmarked standards and provides guidance for continuous improvement. Through their achievement of these standards, CIS-Accredited schools have been verified as delivering high-quality international education focused on the development of knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to prepare students as global citizens.
View detail >>Advanced Placement (AP) is a program in the United States and Canada created by the College Board. AP offers undergraduate university-level curricula and examinations to high school students. Colleges and universities in the US and elsewhere may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain qualifying scores on the examinations. The AP curriculum for each of the various subjects is created for the College Board by a panel of experts and college-level educators in that academic discipline. For a high school course to have the designation as offering an AP course, the course must be audited by the College Board to ascertain that it satisfies the AP curriculum as specified in the Board's Course and Examination Description (CED). If the course is approved, the school may use the AP designation and the course will be publicly listed on the AP Course Ledger.
View detail >>Cambridge International Examination (CIE) curriculum is an internationally recognized curriculum developed and produced by the University of Cambridge, in Cambridge, England. A non-profit division of the University (Cambridge Assessment) oversees three different examination boards : OCR provides curriculum and tests for UK students in alignment with British educational standards, another provides curriculum and tests English of speakers of other native languages worldwide, while CIE provides advanced curriculum and tests students in approximately 180 countries across the world. While CIE uses a similar structure and naming convention of levels to that used in the UK educational system, the two programs are very different in course content and examination structure. It is generally held that the UK system is a much lower standard of education. Within the Cambridge System, there are three levels: Middle Years (Cambridge calls this Lower Secondary), IGCSE (International General Certificate in Secondary Education), and A Levels. Middle Years is essentially a Middle School program. At Herberger Young Scholars Academy, Middle Years is a 2 year program, co-taught in a combined learning environment. In IGCSE, students cover many, though not all, of their high school requirements. IGCSE is also a 2 year program at Herberger Young Scholars Academy. At the completion of their IGCSE cohort, most students receive the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, depending on how they score on their Cambridge tests. A-Levels stands for Advanced Levels. These are advanced level classes that are designed to align with college level curriculum while being taken by high school students. A-Level classes are similar in concept to Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses.
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